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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Woman Fired!

The preceding "Space War Scenario" was inadvertently brought to you by America's Cable News Puppets, part of the Draconian Minions, serving the Dark Side with hate mongering and absurd, outrageous stories that any human being on any normal planet in any other part of the universe would simply ignore. But not on planet Earth, where hate and fear and out-of-control assholes have found a home. But not for long.

Tic Tickedofferson, Interim Blog Host, said on 5-18-14: "I'm with you, Ted. Y'know, they went after that Sterling guy who owns the L.A. Clippers and tried to turn a private remark he made to his black girlfriend into a racist issue. Which it wasn't. It seems to me that his privacy was invaded by a traitorous girlfriend. Or else by his wife, which is just speculation on my part, which is ALL that cable news is now. Bullshit and no substance. Then they tried to turn the Sterling deal into a Jewish issue. Which it isn't. Sterling might even be a chocolate hound, like you, Ted. Why didn't they make THAT an issue? Because not too may people hate chocolate and, let's face it, HATE and HATE-MONGERING is what this is really about. Jill Abramson wasn't fired because she was a woman. That's what man-hating American women (and, Jesus, is there anything else in this country?) want you to believe. She was fired for being a mean, hateful, out-of-control bully who thought she was an untouchable who was above it all. You know, things like company rules, regulations, requirements and standards. And things like showing respect to fellow human beings."

Ronnie WRIGHT replied on 5-18-14: "I heard that. And, hey, even though I still think the flying saucer people are all Chinee, I'll bet those Andromedians have some big-ass ray guns to zap those Draco puppets with. And, oh my god yes, she thinks she was fired for being a woman. When we men get fired we know it's not because we're men. It's usually because we f****d up, or were mean asses who couldn't get along with people, or because we didn't give a shit about anything. That sounds a lot like the shit this New York Times editor woman pulled."

Tic Tickedofferson replied on 5-18-15: "You're the man, Ronnie."

Sam Shithead replied on 5-18-14: "Hey. Yeah, this story is typical pre-apocalyptic hate hype. No doubt she got fired for being an out-of-control bad ass. But the shitheads watching cable news these days can't see past their own shit. It's not a sexist, feminist, Jewish, ERA or age issue. Jill Abramson was just another bad-ass who tried to hide behind a label (the woman label, in this case) when she got caught in another act of intolerable behavior. Yeah. She was a nasty tyrant who finally met her Waterloo."

Tic Tickedofferson replied on 5-18-14: "I heard that. It's a private sector business issue and an internal one at that. And they damn well know it. When you fire a guy for being a bully, it's not because he's a man. It's because he's a bully. But when you fire a woman for being a bully, it's because she's a woman? Jesus Christ, what fucking shit."

Turd Pyle replied on 5-19-14: "This is shit news, for sure, Ted. First of all, you need to control your lips. That smacking sound makes me sick. And what's with those eyes and those faces? Unless you did all that on purpose to see if people would hate you for that. Hmmm. Never mind. Good job, Ted."

Anonymous said on 5-19-14: "Who gives a fuck? People are no goddamn fucking good. I say exterminate the human race and then go after the lizards or grays or insect people, or whatever. Or not. I've never seen a Reptilian or an Andromedian but I know what a goddamn fucking me-first human is. I think the two-gender thing assigned to that species was the real fly in the ointment. A human race without without dicks and pussies would have been nice. And self-governing. What a fucking pipe dream. So, yeah, exterminate them all. Let me help you."

Ellis Ian Wanderly replied on 5-19-14: "I heard that."

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