Jumpin' Jeezus, whatever happened to free speech in America? Free speech was intended for all American citizens, not just a select few whiners who have a bug up their asses 24/7. Losers who expect everyone else to listen to their pathetic complaints about life in general and then the listeners are supposed to just be quiet and then later listen to more of this whining, crying shit? Hey, wake up America! That's not freedom of speech. That's a whiner's and a loser's paradise. America wasn't founded by a bunch of whiners and losers.
A case in point is all the ridiculous hubbub about conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh and the whining public's demand that he apologize to Sandra Fluke for insulting her on the air because she wants to testify at a Congressional hearing supporting an Obama Administration policy that requires religion-affiliated institutions to provide health care coverage for their employees that covers birth control. Wow. You gotta run that shit through your head several times before it gels.
OK, so what does all this have to do with Georgetown University student Sandra Fluke? Is she also an employee? And, I'm sorry, but Rush Limbaugh — offensive prick that he is — is right. Why should any tax dollars ever be used to support any kind of sexual activity in the private sector? Or any other sector, for that matter. That's right. Buy your own birth control pills. Get your own rubbers. Or, better yet, try celibacy. It'll save us all a lot of fucking money and a lot of whining-ass heartache in the long run.
So, when Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a "slut" and a "prostitute" for being "paid" to have sex (by using tax dollars to fund her health coverage that included coverage for birth control) and then suggested that she post videos of herself making whoopee online so that American taxpayers can get something for their money, he was being flippant. It was an ugly but very poignant joke. Sure he was being caustic, sarcastic, mean-spirited and nasty. You bet. Just about as gross and mean as you can get. That's what the conservative Republican whiner Rush Limbaugh does best.
But, hey, guess what? You dumb fucks got the message, didn't you? Too bad you had to hear it from an over-indulged whiner like Rush Limbaugh. Why were you liberal freaks listening to a conservative talk show anyway? Huh? Well, let me guess. You were looking for more excuses to whine and cry. More ammo to support you life as a goddamn, pathetic whiner. You sorry losers. You self-inflict yourselves with loser losses.
But don't think you're alone. That's what Rush Limbaugh is. He's a Republican hardliner — and a major whiner — with a great big bug up his ass about anything and everyone that isn't in line with his views on life. If anyone out there is spending any goddamn tax dollars anywhere, he thinks it's coming directly out of his own goddamn pocket. Arrogant prick. A redneck? You bet he is. But, hey, I'm not going to sit here and type out a bunch of bad words about a radio entertainer so you can use them to attack him, with my support. Get your own bad words about Rush Limbaugh. And, as far as Sandra Fluke goes, you can get your own bad words about her, too. Rush did.
And, oh yes, you bet, President Obama — always the political opportunist — is busy making those supportive "We Are The World" phone calls for the press to dog and he's getting all those wonderful accolades from the liberal-ass press and lots and lots of Facebook Wall time from cryin' American whiners and a shitload of liberal, whining-ass Tweets. Hell, yes. This guy saw the handwriting on the wall in a nanosecond and it said, "Man, these sorry-ass, whining suckers walked right into it. Right into it. And now their sorry, whining-and-crying liberal-ass votes are mine."
You know what? It's to laugh.
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