No, I don't have a goddamn crystal ball at my house. If I had a fool-ass crystal ball I'd use it for a fucking doorstop, not to cheat others out of their hard-earned income. Anyone who has a crystal ball and sees visions is just some delusional shit, anyway, who likes to play games for money instead of working for it. That's right, "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" you dumb shits or you'll get duped like Dorothy did. Christ, at least Kansas is real.
No, I don't see visions and I don't make wishes. But, if wishes did come true, this is my biggest wish (see the above explosion). Somehow, it makes me feel like I'd have done something good for the rest of the universe when I'd dare to "wish upon a star" for Earth and it's human blight to just go away forever. Oh yeah, I'm even willing to have my own goddamn atoms blasted to Kingdom Come by Planet X if it'll keep the rest of the galaxy from being infected by creatures who only care about themselves.
Christ it's weird to make a desperate wish that turns out to be some asshole's dumb-fuck "vision". But, since Earth is definitely a goner as a world contender in this strange universe of ours — and it's our own dumb fault — I feel kinda good about biting a cosmic bullet if it'll help some worthy soul in another galaxy far, far away.
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