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Monday, March 4, 2013

Art Park: American Drop Sooey

What does this painting mean? How in the hell should I know? Who knows? Who cares? Does a painting have to mean anything? Maybe that's what this painting is saying, then. It's saying, "I don't have to mean shit." Hell, I don't know shit. I'm just the parking attendant around here these days. I started this art park deal because I liked to look at some of this digital artist's "digital paintings", not out of manners for art. I don't have a whole lot of manners, anyway, and I try not to use them here because nobody pays attention to people with manners anymore.

Yep, this deal, here, might be some sort of karmic retribution for the Verizon/UPS post or maybe it's just because I get tired of pissing and moaning about shit that nobody cares about. Anyway, I thought I'd put on an art exhibition that nobody would care about and then maybe they would because shit always happens and it usually happens when you least expect it. And, no, I don't like it. I don't like it at all. One thing for sure, it isn't Chinese Chop Sooey. That shit I like. Another thing is, this guy's no Andy Warhol. Thank heavens for that.

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