Christ, when rioting college students are permitted to take to the streets and smash things at will and throw rocks at other people and destroy other people's vehicles and public property just because they're "unhappy" with something and then never get punished for their behavior, the shocking behavior isn't just from the pampered-punk students.

God Almighty! People in "Happy Valley" can't see the fucking forest but it's not for all the fucking trees. They can't see past their own self-centered interests. They are the number one reason they're all alive and moving and shaking their little utopian world. What selfish, uncivilized crap. Man, do you fucking rat bastards ever deserve each other over there in "Happy Valley".
Just make sure you keep that nasty shit to yourselves. The rest of the world — the real world — considers rioting to be dangerous violence and a lethal threat to others. And that's because, in the real world, any redneck asshole from anywhere in America knows that you just can't up and do whatever you damn well please in public without paying the price. That's right. In the real world, rioters are beaten and dragged off to jail. It's what hateful, hostile, reckless, violent people fucking deserve. And you goddamn well know it.
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