Yeah, yeah. Here I am again — and twice in one month, now, mind you — pissin' and moanin' about something that's only "my bidness" today because it's never "your bidness" at any time. Not ever. What am I talking about? Whaddaya think I'm yappin' about? I'm trying to impress upon a hopelessly screwed-up American population that the private lives of other people are none of your goddamn business. Especially the legal sex lives of others, no matter who they are. That stuff is none of your business. You only think it is.
I can't believe everybody's all up in arms about David Petreaus having an affair with his biographer. What the hell do you people care about that shit for? If the head of the CIA puts his tallywhacker where it doesn't belong or where you think it doesn't belong, what the hell is that to you? What he does with his thing-a-ma-jig is his own "bidness". And none of yours. You sick-ass snoops. That goes for newspeople and newshounds alike. People like you turn everything in life into a low-life soap. You don't think it's news unless it's dirty.
And, for the love of Mike, why in God's name should that be any reason for David Petreaus to resign his post as CIA Director? Shouldn't he have resigned his position because he was a CIA clown who had no clue what to do in the Middle East? Huh? I'm serious. Because of our stupid, clueless "spook boss" and an equally clueless Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, our U.S. Embassy in Tripoli Benghazi, Libya (Are you paying attention now?) is now a big pile of ashes. That's why people resign or get fired. For fucking up. Not for playing in-and-out on their own time, no matter who's on the giving or receiving end.
By the way, what the hell is Hillary Rodham Clinton still doing in office? Fire her and give her job to someone else. Hell, Madeline Allbright could have done a better job in the Middle East. As a matter of fact, she did do a better job. Hell, all Henry Kissinger ever did was blab and party but no one ever blew up a U.S. Emabassy when he was partying and blabbing as Secretary of State. And nobody ever made a big deal about what Henry did with his goddamn tallywhacker. But I digress.
And just because you voted for some guy doesn't entitle you to peek at
his dirty laundry, either. If he can't watch his personal Ps and Qs, that's one thing, but for you slimeballs to make national and even international headlines out of it is not only a downright dirty rotten shame, it tells the world where your heads are at. When your heads aren't up your own asses admiring the view you're
more than willing to stick it up somebody else's ass where the view is a lot more interesting for shit eaters like you. A gross analogy, is it? You bet it is. The only thing that'll pull a dirty mind above its pinhead is the sound of an interesting dirty word. Here's a few more for you: sticking your filthy-minded noses where they don't belong only makes the people you're pointing your arrogant fingers at look like
victims compared to pricks and bitches like
you. You, you, you
dirty perpetrating poop snoopers. Now look what you made me say.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt had a mistress and yet he was one of the most popular leaders this country ever had. Jack Kennedy's love life had a revolving door on it but he was the most visionary president this country ever had or is likely to ever have again. Martin Luther King fooled around and yet most of his followers never complained that his "indiscretions" diminished or impaired his bold vision of an America that worked together for the common good. Bill Clinton made a fool out of himself right in the Oval Office but he only disgraced it when a certain little gold-digging bimbo capitalized on it and American rag-readers wolfed that shit down by the bucketfuls like it was manna from Heaven.
That's right, you snooping, soap-loving, dirty-minded "citizens" had a very capable president impeached — a guy that many of you even voted for — simply because you found out that he did something very personal that you didn't like. Which makes all of you about the biggest bunch of sorry-ass rednecks in the world. If it's not what you like then you lash out like a big lynch mob, not caring who you hurt or about the damage you do in the process. Hell, it's even been rumored that Abraham Lincoln had a mistress when he was president and, you know what, I don't even want to know about it. He could have had ten of them for all I cared. His private affairs were none of my business. Just his public ones.
So, just to get your flagging attention once again, I'll spice up my closing remarks. Who cares if some elected official or any military officer or any guy on any taxpayer payroll anywhere checks into a no-tell motel after hours with another woman on his arm? Who gives a shit if some army general ten thousand miles from home gets real up close and personal with some admiring female? What's it to ya? Why should you get your panties or your shorts in a big twist if some guy you voted for (or didn't vote for) bends some gal over a desk when nobody's looking? She's not your gal. He's not your guy. It's not your desk. It's not your tallywhacker. That's the whole point. Nobody was there but them. It's all about them and their shit. It's not about you and your shit. Therefore, it's their business and none of yours.
Am I saying that I approve of marital infidelity? Of course I don't. But that's not the point. The point is that I never make other people's marital fidelity or infidelity my business because I have no business doing that. And, to tell you the truth I don't even think about things like that. I've got other fish to fry and always did. Like minding my own business. So, I may not watch my Ps and Qs around here (and you were warned about that far in advance) but one thing I can be proud of is the fact that I don't get all pissed and PO'd at public figures or all hot and bothered, either, when those sorry-ass excuses for newsmen and newswomen mentally masturbate over their soaring ratings because shitheads like you discovered a new, sick kind of personal gratification. Peeking, prying and pointing. And none of it was any of your "bidness" in the first place.
Ted's Note 11-29-12: I updated the last two paragraph today to "drive my point home", if you will. And yeah, I see that the URL for this post still says "none-of-you-bidness" instead of "none-of-your-bidness" and it wasn't deliberate at all. In my haste to straighten out a few asses I accidentally left the "r" off the word "your" in the post title and Blogger carved that first URL in stone. Shit. Looks dumb as hell but, no, I'm not re-posting it, even though I could. Also, I used the improper word "bidness" in place of "business" because I knew at least a half dozen people in my life who talked like that and most of them did it just for fun. Like me. OK, then, just so you know.