Tic Tickedofferson, Guest Poster: "Ronnie WRight and I fell for that
pussy-ass Mock Congressional Hearing that those
sheeple held in Washington, D.C. back in May 2013 like two starstruck old fools. We even believed that ol' Paul Hellyer was still the Minister of National Defense for Canada because that's pretty much the way it was presented on YouTube, THE lying-ass turd website of all time. Yep, we fell for it. Me and Ronnie. Like two drunken ridge runners. For about 24 hours, that is. Then we woke the hell up. If the Greys had their own breaking news channel (they
do, only it's called CNN,) this is what we'd see on this deal. When Paul Hellyer was in charge of Canada's military (1960's) he worked for them. Bought and paid for. And that's no shit.

I think ol' Ted, my know-it-all cousin, fell for it hook, line and sinker for at least that long and then he probably choked on the whole thing and got super ticked off. He doesn't like to blog anymore so I did it and if he treats me like ol' Ronnie WRight for posting this, then we'll just have to show him which way the door opens on this cramped little shithole studio of his. Won't we?"
Tic Tickedofferson is an occasional guest poster on the Ticked Off Ted blog. And, now that Ted O'Hooey has finally gotten tied up indefinitely with dastardly browser and intergalactic feed wars, he doesn't really give a shit about Ted's shit or anybody else's shit. And that's no shit.