Warning! This blog contains very strong language and shocking opinions. Read at your own risk.
That means don't whine and cry to us tomorrow about what the hell you see and read here today.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Verizon and UPS: They Suck Big Time

This guy was ticked. So ticked off, in fact, that he said the package was delivered two days ago and then said that it's been three days. Well, it was three days ago, he confided. Incidentally, this is a real Verizon customer and he told me that Verizon never did email him back. But they called his mother instead (just image how cowardly that is) and tried to work her for information that he had already provided for them via email.

With her permission, he said he monitored that phone call on her desk phone while she handled them herself on her cordless phone. He knows how people like to take advantage of older folks on the phone. She verified for those Verizon idiots that no, they weren't planning to move (they've lived there for 13 years!), and that the address in question was theirs and that she knew of nobody else who had a similar address in any other nearby town. Imagine Verizon asking her that. Finally, she told Verizon that finding out who this guy was and where he really lived was their job and then she hung up on them. By the way, she's 82 years old, not 81. And, yes, he corrected that for us.

We can't blame her for hanging up on Verizon. Especially, since their CSR never apologized to her or to her son for causing them trouble. Well, that phone call was too late for this video, which was already a done deal. It doesn't matter. Neither Verizon nor UPS had any respect for this woman' son, who tried to help everyone out and got nothing but grief in return. That's right, no thanks from anybody. What a sorry-ass world. And, you bet, we agree: Verizon and UPS suck big time. That's why we posted this guest spot video here. To let American businesses like Verizon and UPS know that there are consequences for fucking with innocent old people. You fucking pricks. You took the bull by the horns and you thought you'd just pull your typical Verizon and UPS shit and get away with it. Wrong.

Blog Update: 2-28-13: Verizon finally emailed this ticked-off Verizon customer, several hours after they upset his mother with their stupid phone call and the Verizon email sender had no clue what the other hand had just done on the phone. Needless to say, he had to email Verizon back and tell them, in no uncertain terms, that this issue was closed as far as he and his mother were concerned and that any future contact attempts by either Verizon, UPS or the idiot pretending to live where these people have been living for 13 years would result in legal action for harassment. And nobody has thanked him yet for trying to help them get this package delivered to the rightful receiver. We're ticked off, too. This is no way to run a world and it's no way to treat two old people who had nothing whatsoever to do with this stupid problem in the first place.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Art Park: Night and Day

Now don't jump to conclusions. I'm still a cranky old bastard who pisses and moans all day long about all kinds of shit. The reason that doesn't make me one of the bad guys is that I'm not proud of it. I just do it because somebody has to do it.

Oh, don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people online going bananas about all kinds of shit. Shit you'd never even think about let alone care about. You can't swing a dead cat online without hitting a blog or a website run by a rabid kook going apeshit about something. But, to me, most of them are just whining and crying because it fits their pussy lifestyle. Or else they're just mean as cat shit and proud of it.

Yours truly, on the other hand, can piss and moan and be a good guy because I piss and moan about important stuff (that's right, stuff I think is important because, you know what?, this is my goddamn blog, not yours) and I usually offer some solutions that ought to make the shit pile we have to dine on every single day of our lives go away or at least get a tad smaller. So, that's on that.

Now, as far as this piece of artwork above is concerned, I'm simply letting the artist park a copy of it here because I like looking at it. That's why I let him park one here on the 11th of this month. Just because I'm an opinionated old bastard doesn't mean I can't have a "soft side" to me (Oooooh, I just hate that phrase). But, hey, I might even be able to paint like that myself.

We'll never know. In the meantime, we'll just make nice and let it ride and then we'll see who's a crank and who's not. Won't we.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Art Park: Desert Sky

That's right. I backtracked from February 27th to this February 11th post to edit it because I finally figured out a gimmick that will not make me feel all "touchy-feely" about art. Because, if there's one thing in life that I never want to experience it's the "touchy-feely" side of anything.

So, on the 27th of this month I realized that I was "parking" this artwork here because I liked it and that there was nothing wrong with that. I can still be a tough newshound when I use this blog to winnow out the shit and the shitheads in this world for extinction and not feel like a bad guy in the process. I didn't feel like a bad guy anyway because I was stalking and hunting "shit prey", not regular people. They're the shitheads who try to sell us their awful shit or who feed us shit when we think we're getting gravy.

And I'm not actually being intolerant in my posts. I'm just not being a pussy pushover for every creep in the world who thinks people are happy-go-lucky sheep without brains. All I do is remind people to use their heads before they turn into gourds. Plus, now I have an "art park" gimmick that seems to be working. And I'm not re-posting this article just to get the URL to match the new title. This is my goddamn gimmick and I'll work it any way I want to.

Don't mess it up for me.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Ted Glue Head

Stuck in the same spot. Just like a broken record.