Jesus Christ, I never wanted to post anything like this on my blog. Not ever. But, if I
don't, then I'll be just like everybody else who turns their back on crimes against humanity and especially on crimes against
children, like they don't exist. Like this is about the downfall of powerful men instead of the pain and suffering of children at the hands of a sexual predator, betraying his trust with them and with an entire community of dumb-fuck Pollyanna shitheads who are apparently too fucking "happy" and too full of
themselves to know when a
crime is being committed there.
And, hey, you saw the warning in red lettering beneath this blog's header. I don't watch my goddamn "P's and Q's" here and you goddamn well know it. Nobody pays any attention to you if you don't shock them or scare them and that's what I do. So, if you want the watered-down shit, try the newspapers or go watch it on TV. This kind of crime needs to be ferreted out by a cranky old bastard like me who's more concerned with the underlying truth and the lies that cover them up than kissing asses that can't stand to be hurt by the truth. So, if you don't like "my French", take a fucking hike.
That's right, Jerry Sandusky is the the real demon here. No fucking question about it. Christ, it's time for Pennsylvania to bring back the goddamn electric chair, just for this fucker. Let me pull the fucking switch myself. Or, better yet, let the moms and dads of the sexually abused victims do it. Over and over again. Or, better yet, let the
boys whose human rights this pedophile piece of shit violated take turns zapping his worthless ass to Kingdom Come.
Penn State Football
"Rogue's Gallery"
Let's remember, they're the real victims here. Those young boys. Not Penn State Football or PSU's tarnished image. Fuck Penn State. It's been the number one "party school" for decades. Now we know why. Hell, if sexual crimes against underage boys are perpetrated right on the Penn State main campus and then condoned or overlooked or covered up or simply ignored, no goddamn wonder nobody in "Happy Valley" gave a shit when drunken students set fire to downtown State College in 1998. Jesus Christ Almighty, what a fucking town.
And, yeah, let's not split hairs or become ostriches here about this sensitive and sick shit. Jerry Sandusky is the real criminal here. No question about it. The death penalty is too good for this sick fuck but, unfortunately, it's the best we can do, here, in "America the Beautiful". But Penn State President Graham Spanier, PSU Athletic Director Tim Curley and Penn State Senior Vice President Gary Schultz are
also guilty of the crime of failing to report Sandusky's sick crimes
to the police, first of all, and then to the proper authorities in Harrisburg. Penn State head football coach Joe Paterno reported
one incident to the proper authorities at Penn State and, thus, got away with
minimal responsibility. Instead of being a
real man and going after Jerry Sandusky, tooth and nail.
And let's not forget assistant football coach Mike McQueary — then Joe Paterno's 28-year-old grad assistant — who chose to save his own butt and perform "damage control" for JoePa instead

of doing the right thing. In Pennsylvania, it's legal to shoot and kill
anyone who is raping
anyone. If
I'd have been Mike McQueary and had caught Jerry Sandusky raping a ten-year-old boy in a football locker room shower on Penn State's main campus in 2002, he'd never have lived past that twisted moment. And the next people to see that boy would have been the Penn State Police.
That's exactly what I'm saying. 28-year-old Mike McQueary should have
killed kiddie-raper Jerry Sandusky on the spot with his bare hands and then called 9-1-1. Or at least have pulled that hideous monster off that poor boy. Jesus H. Christ! Doesn't anybody at this backward university "get it" yet?? Anything short of saving that boy from further sexual abuse was an act of cowardice, self-preservation and ass-kissing "damage control". You're all a bunch of fucking "me first" bastards who have no place in our 21st-Century American culture.
We all know why this was kept "Hush Hush". To keep the Penn State Football Dream alive-and-well and to keep the big football bucks rolling in. The bottom line. You fucking bastards. You can escape the hands of justice, you can even escape the fickle goddamn finger of fate, but you can
never escape your own Karma. It'll get you all in the end. And you all deserve it. Yep, look at them. Just
look at them. In their selfish world, this is all about
them. What shit.
"Happy Valley", my goddamn ass. There is no "Happy Valley", Pennsylvania.
Fuck "Happy Valley". I wouldn't go to "Happy Valley" to take a fucking shit.
Guilty on 48 Counts June 22, 2012 |
Post updated 11-1-12.